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Supercharge configs with Jinja templates, typing and custom functions.

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Get up and running with

$ pip install levy
---> 100%
Successfully installed levy

This will also bring to your environment PyYAML, Jinja2 and pydantic.


This project is a lightweight take on configuration parsing with a twist. It supports reading both JSON and YAML files, as well as getting configurations directly from a dict.

levy adds a jinja2 layer on top our config files, which allows us to run any Jinja templating syntax on them. Later on, we will also see how to register our own custom functions.

Let's suppose we have the following configuration:

title: "Lévy the cat"
  - "black"
  - "white"
    what: "anything"
  {% set friends = [ "cartman", "lima" ] %}
  {% for friend in friends %}
  - name: ${ friend }
    type: "cat"
  {% endfor %}

We have a bit of everything: - Root configurations - Simple lists - Nested configurations - Dynamic jinja2 lists as nested configurations

We can create our Config object as

from levy.config import Config

cfg = Config.read_file("test.yaml")

As there is the jinja2 layer we might want to check what is the shape of the parsed values. We can do so with cfg._vars. In our case we'll get back something like:

'title': 'Lévy the cat',
'colors': ['black', 'white'],
'hobby': {
  'eating': {
    'what': 'anything'
'friends': [
  {'name': 'cartman', 'type': 'cat'},
  {'name': 'lima', 'type': 'cat'}

OBS: When reading from files and for debugging purposes, we can access the cfg._file var to check what file was parsed.

Accessing Values

levy dynamically creates Config objects building the whole tree. This means that we can use the same strategy to retrieve data from the root level or any arbitrary nesting.

// Check Config level
$ cfg

// Access information as attributes
$ cfg.title
"Lévy the cat"
$ cfg.colors
["black", "white"]

// Even if those are nested dicts
$ cfg.hobby

// Chain calls until reaching our values
$ cfg.hobby.eating.what

Accessing Lists

Getting data from a list is the same as for any Config.

// Access a list element by name
$ cfg.friends.lima

// Extract information as usual
$ cfg.friends.lima.type